All 3 girls jumped into my bed bright and early.
I wasn’t sure what to study, and then I got a phone call and it was my little sis. She has been having alot of issues with her kidney’s, so We thought that was the perfect thing to learn about.
What we did to study Kidney's
We read about it online
I just did a search and picked something that sounded interesting to me and i read it to my girls.
We watched a video for adults on you tube
and then we went to
I love this site for learning about different things about our bodies and how they work
We did the video, quiz and the Kaylani read article out loud
I got out big poster board paper and traced each of my children and cut it out.
I then got Kaylani to search Kidney’s on the computer and find out how big they were.
We drew some and cut them out and colored them and pasted it on our silhouettes.
We drew some and cut them out and colored them and pasted it on our silhouettes.
And last but not least Kaylani( my 9 year old) will write a page on what she has learned about kidneys.
Why i teach like i do
I want to explain a little on why i highlighted certain words in pink. They show all the different ways to teach my girls during this project.
I believe in using every opportunity for learning.
When i read to them i was working on their listening skills and attention span. I notice today alot of kids have a short attention spam, they can't seem to focus very long on one thing. Each child is different but i try to push them a little further each time to train them in this area.
When we watched the video, i picked one geared to adults. I want them to start using bigger words and have a large vocabulary. Here is the thing, i don't have a large vocabulary, i know that about me, it is one of my weaknesses so i need extra help in this area if I want my kids to rise above what i know. This is a fun easy way to introduce them to bigger words and someone else teaching them other than me.
The kiss site is fun and so easy to understand. I want Kaylani to be able to read out loud with ease, i want her to work on expression.
The cutting, drawing, coloring and pasting is all fun and crafty. My favorite!
When i got Kaylani to search Kidneys on the computer it was because i think we can learn alot on computers. when she has a question I want her to know how to search it and find things using the computer.
When we called Daddy in, it was for a couple of reasons. 1st i think it is really important to tell what they have learned. I want my children to be able to talk our loud and in front of others without feeling scared or nervous. And the other reason, is because it made them so excited to share what they learned with him and as he praised them, i saw their little faces fill with joy. We are instilling what is important to me and their Dad. We value learning, and we get exscited when they learn something new.
And last Kaylani had to write a page on what she learned about kidney's . Writing is important.
So that is what we did today, it was a fun day and I am excited about what's to come.
Tami Tyson
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