Saturday, September 1, 2012

How to find time for it all?

I found this amazing site I wanted to share with those of you who homeschool.

I LOVE it and so do my kids.

The lessons are fun and they cover reading comprehension and math and for those of you who are teaching a child to read, this is amazing.I like how it grades your child and when they do well at one level it pushes them up to the next level.

I like to use lots of different ways to teach and learn. One of my main objectives is to make learning fun, something my children ask to do, and want to do.I like to keep my lessons short. And as my children grow older I give them less instruction. For example for my 5 year old I tell her when we will be learning what and how long. For my 9 year old I tell her what i expect by Christmas. I offer her rewards if she completes certain things. For example I told her if she finishes Grade 5 math before Christmas I will buy her piano and Guitar lessons. I also figured out exactly how many lessons she would have to do each week in order to complete this by Christmas.
Then I leave it up to her to make the goals and the time to finish her studies in Math.

 I want them to know I value learning. Being able to take lesson like Piano and Guitar is a gift. So I think it is the perfect gift, The more she learns the more she can learn.

Some days I just don't have the time to sit and read for hours to my girls. Never mind  to go over site words and addition and substation again and again and again as you have to do with a 5 year old. I find online learning programs like this one are perfect for those days.

One of my objectives in Homeschooling is to teach my children to be self starters, to learn on their own and this is a perfect program to teach that. It is nice to offer working on this program as a reward for finishing work early. Or being a good listener that day. Or not fighting with their sisters for a whole day. (this one hasn't happened)

I love charts!
I made a chart and every day they need to do one reading assignment and one math assignment and one spelling assignment using this program. I find kids love charts too. There is something about seeing all those checks or stickers that is so satisfying.

So many different ways and things you can do with homeschooling.
I am having a blast and feeling blessed to be able to do this with them.
What a blessing!

It is really amazing what these little minds can learn.We have been slowly starting to add more and more schooling in each day for 2 weeks now. It is incredible how much these girls have learned already. Kaylani's reading comprehension has gone up significantly and her math skills are improving rapidly. What a gift to have a brain that can learn, to be healthy so that we can focus on this.
God is full of blessings and he is good
Loving every minute of teaching my children...what a gift !

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